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Manchester's Sustainable Fashion Party.j

Annabel Lindsay

About the Creator



Annabel Lindsay


Current: MA Fashion + Business Student [MMU]

Past: BA Hons Fashion Communication [SHU]


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The circular fashion movement has gained traction amongst the fashion industry over the past few years. My personal passion for the concept of a circular fashion economy spawned from an inner self-realisation. I’m overwhelmingly concerned about the environmental damage caused by the current systematic linear consumption of disposable clothes, to which I was once guilty of contributing to. I now want to help realise a fully circular fashion economy, by bridging the gap between circular fashion systems and vital consumer awareness and participation.


Particularly with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic crisis, discussion for creating ‘a more ethical and less environmentally damaging model for an industry...responsible for 10% of global carbon dioxide emissions every year is more relevant than ever’. With much of fashion now on pause, unsustainable ‘cracks of the industry’ are emerging. This gives an opportunity to transform the direction of fashion, from changing our consumer attitudes to re-imagining current business models, introducing new ways to experience and participate in fashion and ensuring social and environmental justice for all across the whole fashion supply chain, from fibre producers/manufacturers right through to end-consumers. 


Circular systems can often be complex and off putting- even for those with industry expertise- which can make it seem difficult to share the concept and generate enthuse regarding the seemingly infinite possibilities just within reach. However, I believe that with the right communication and creative promotion, circularity has the potential to revolutionise our experiences with fashion and the entire fashion system itself!


And so that is my personal mission. My manifesto. My driving passion. To make fashion circular through a celebration of creativity, story-telling, art and above all collaboration. 



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