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Black Lives Matter Image by Brandy Chieco


CIRC_LAR + U for Black Lives Matter

Pro-active anti-racism + dismantling whiteness within fashion.

CIRC_LAR + U stands in full support of the Black Lives Matter movement. In this heightened time of emotion, awakening and togetherness, the momentum that has been picked up must be maintained. Change happens slowly but none the less, we can still make it happen. Throughout the duration of the CIRC_LAR + U project and the pop-up event, effort is being allocated specifically to ensuring that social, cultural, economic, environmental and other external factors related to circular fashion are addressed with consideration of their direct relation to black, POC and indigenous communities (BIPOC).


We cannot treat racism, the climate emergency and the need for systemic transformation within fashion as isolated entities. Because they are not. We cannot address one without understanding the others. From the history of slavery in the cotton textiles industry, to present exploitation of POC in developing countries for cheap labour and cheap disposable fashion, to problematic false facades of token diversity amongst white-owned fashion brands and fashion channels. We need BIPOC voices in our business rooms, in our brand structures, at the forefront of conversation of diversity and inclusion. How can someone who's never experienced racism, systemic oppression, discrimination or an appropriation of their culture speak on behalf of those whom have? They can't. 


And for that reason, CIRC_LAR + U is committed to listening, learning and being pro-actively anti-racist in its outreaches, amplifying BIPOC voices and thought-leaders as we discuss solutions of transitioning fashion from linear to circular. This will be covered in more depth within the Digi-Diary series and Blog Articles over the coming weeks.


Performative activism is highly detrimental to the movement, so whilst sharing on social media is a good place to start, it is VITAL that our participation in maintaining the momentum of this movement transitions into direct-action. So please, if you have not yet already, use the links down below to take action now.

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